Wednesday, 4 January 2012

alexa badges to increase your site ranking in alexa

Badge To Increase Alexa Ranking?

Google PageRank and AlexaRank are the most probably two most important measure for any website or blogs. Every blogger is always aspiring for better and better ranking on these two. Google’s PageRank indicates about how popular your website is or more specifically talking how many back-link your site receives from others. On the other hand AlexaRank indicates the amount of traffic your site is receiving. Since these are the most reputed third party it is more reliable for anyone to evaluate a website.
Regarding improving in Alexa there’s a lot rumor in the blogging market. There is no authentic voice but people keep talking that if you put Alexa Badge on your site or blog, it helps to improve ranking faster.
Justin Germino presents a similar details in his post in “Should You Have an Alexa Badge On Your Site?” . He provokes of improvement of 40k in 38 days of his own dragonblogger; and Better, he found a 100K improvement within two weeks in his wife’s blog.
Similarly Ben Lang in his blog  suggests as a means to improve alexa rank:
    • Install the Alexa toolbar,  and set your site as your homepage in your browsers.
    • Add an Alexa widget , button  or graph to your site.
    • Get reviews and ratings on the Alexa site.
    • Write or blog about Alexa (as I am doing now.)
How far could it be true? Is Alexa bribing bloggers to popularize its badge and self back-link? If not, there is no reason for a blog to experience improvement just because it added a badge. If Alexa ranking is the measure of flow of traffic to a site, where comes the role of Badge? Did you experience improve ranking after you put a badge in your blog?


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